The Light of the Abstract Art Calendar 2017

The Light of the Abstract is a New Art Calendar from Gaya
Great news for my Art Lovers! I am glad to share that a new 2017 art calendars with my original abstract artwork has now been published in German. Enjoy my artwork on high quality Calvendo Calendars from Cornelsen Publishing Group, the leading publishing house in Europe. The calendar can be ordered online through a broad distribution network including Amazon (UK and Germany), Buch24, AbeBooks and many others.

Das Licht des Abstrakten
The Light of the Abstract (in German: Das Licht des Abstrakten – Zeitgenössische Kunst von Gaya) is a fabulous edition which includes amazing original abstract art from Gaya. The careful and refined selection of her paintings explore a variety of themes including nature, life and society.
Explore Abstract, Feel Abstract, Live Abstract every month of the year 2017.
Note that the earlier released English (Squarely Abstract by Gaya) and French (Gaya: Audacieusement Abstraite) calendars with Gaya’s artwork are also available, rolling into 2017, and you can view them on Gaya Calvendo Page.
Das Licht des Abstrakten – Zeitgenössische Kunst von Gaya
Entdecken Sie die Abstrakte, um wieder zu fühlen, um wieder zu lieben!
Der Kalender ist eine umfassende Auswahl der neuen Kunstwerke von Gaya. Gaya ist eine international preisgekrönte zeitgenössische Künstlerin aus Kanada. Als Autorin Künstlerin der zahlreichen Kunstpublikationen, Gaya zeigt ihre Arbeiten in Amerika, Europa und Asien. Ihre abstrakten Kunstwerke sind stolz in privaten Sammlungen ausgestellt.

Calvendo Calendars
Calvendo was launched in in Germany in 2012 as a subsidiary of Cornelsen Publishing Group, one of the biggest publishers in German-speaking countries. Since then, tens of thousands of calendars created by photographers and artists have been sold. In 2014, the platform launched in the UK and France, increasing its calendar portfolio and setting up an interface with online retailers such as Amazon or Bookdepository in these countries.
Gaya is an award-winning international contemporary abstract artist from Toronto. A recipient of numerous art awards and an author of several art publications, Gaya exhibits in Americas, Europe and Asia. Her abstract paintings are proudly held in a number of private collections.